Coming from Ecuador or Colombia (north Peru)

How to get to Mancora

Coming from Ecuador or Colombia:

Taxi from Guayaquil to Mancora, by land:


Direct taxi from Guayaquil to Máncora: (420 km, 6 hrs travel approx., approximate rate of US $ 180 to US $ 250, one way trip). The vehicle must have all its documents in rule and must be owned by the driver or updated notarized permission for the contracted transport company.

Buses from Guayaquil to Mancora:


There are direct buses from Guayaquil to Mancora (companies like CIFA, Ormeño and Cruz del Sur, 8 hrs travel approx., approximately rate of US $ 12 to US $ 18 one way trip). Simple, basic comfort buses, however they are safe to cross the frontier and get directly to Mancora.


CIFA Buses Mancora:
Telephone in Mancora: + 51 73 258317
Nextel: 51 * 816 * 4252
Address: Av. Piura 270 / Av. Grau 270, Mancora.

Approximate travel time: 8 hrs.



Crossing the Ecuador - Peru frontier.


It is recommended to make this stretch in a safe transport which crosses the frontier (bus, private taxi). This border without prior knowledge and security is not easy. If you're in Huaquillas or Machala, in Ecuador, approach CIFA bus company offices to safely cross the frontier.


From Montañita (Ecuadorian coast):


From the beach of Montañita (Ecuador) or any beach located in the Ruta del Sol (Salinas, Ayampe, Olón, Puerto López, etc.) there is no direct transport. You should take some transport to Guayaquil, and from there see the options described above. The total journey from Montañita to Mancora, included immigration, lasts about 11 hours.

From Loja, Vilcabamba or Cuenca (Southeast Ecuador) a route is from Guayaquil (see above) and another one is crossing La Tina - Macará, located northeast of Peru, near to the Ecuadorian city of Loja. From there take a transport to Sullana (2 hrs) and from there a transport to Mancora (3 hrs).

Canopy en Mancora
Canopy en Mancora
Lorly EIRL
Spondylus Escuela de Buceo